Dental Health Resources

Do I have sleep apnea, or am I just snoring?

Do I have sleep apnea, or am I just snoring?

While sleep apnea and snoring might seem similar, they are two completely different issues. Today, our Selkirk dentists explains some key differences between them.

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12 Tips for Wearing Clear Aligners From Our Dentists

12 Tips for Wearing Clear Aligners From Our Dentists

Are you wondering how you can get the most out of your clear aligners - and how to wear them so you'll feel as comfortable as possible? Our Selkirk dentists review some tips for you.

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Debunking the Top 7 Myths Around Cosmetic Dental Procedures

Debunking the Top 7 Myths Around Cosmetic Dental Procedures

You may have heard some 'facts' about cosmetic dental services that you suspect are doubtful. Our dentists in Selkirk debunk some common misconceptions.

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What Jaw Pain Means: What Causes It and How to Treat It

What Jaw Pain Means: What Causes It and How to Treat It

Jaw pain can indicate a dental issue such as a toothache, TMJ Disorder, or perhaps a more serious condition. In this post, our Selkirk dentists explain possible causes of jaw pain and what to do with those sore joints.

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Recognizing the Symptoms of TMJ Pain

Recognizing the Symptoms of TMJ Pain

Have you been suffering from facial pain, headaches, neck or shoulder pain or limited jaw opening? Our dentists in Selkirk are here to explain why you might have a TMJ disorder.

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The Science Behind Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners

The Science Behind Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners

We know that many adults and teens opt to undergo orthodontic treatment with clear aligners, but have you ever wondered about the science behind this popular option? Our Selkirk break down the scientific reasons clear aligners are so effective at helping to straighten smiles.

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How Your Family's Dental Services Differ by Age

How Your Family's Dental Services Differ by Age

Your family's dental needs will change as they progress through different stages of life. In this post, our Selkirk dentists explain the ins and outs of family dentistry and how we help kids, teens, adults and seniors keep their smiles healthy.

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The Value of Invisalign Clear Aligners

The Value of Invisalign Clear Aligners

If you’re seriously considering straightening your smile with Invisalign clear aligners, you may be wondering if you’ll get the value you deserve and if the cost is worth it. Today, our Selkirk dentists explain what you may want to take into account before choosing Invisalign clear aligners

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The One Simple Method to Effectively Prevent Gum Decease

The One Simple Method to Effectively Prevent Gum Decease

Gum disease is a very common issue among Canadian adults, and it’s often caused by poor oral hygiene. Here, our Selkirk dentists explain how poor oral hygiene leads to gum disease, and what actions you can take to avoid the condition.

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Does it Hurt to Wear Invisalign Clear Aligners?

Does it Hurt to Wear Invisalign Clear Aligners?

Invisalign clear aligners can be an amazing dental appliance, but you should be aware that your teeth may hurt a bit during treatment with them. In this post, our Selkirk dentists explain why that is the case, and how you can manage any pain you experience.

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New Patients Always Welcome

Looking for a dentist in Selkirk? We're happily accepting new patients at our dental clinic! Contact us to get started today.

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  • Tuesday:08:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Wednesday:08:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Thursday:08:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Friday:08:00 am - 02:00 pm
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
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